Bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant in the world. It’s extremely renewable, has a low impact on the environment and is being used for everything from flooring to fabric. And now, it’s got another purpose: helping developing economies grow by giving African workers some practical skills and a product to export.
Zambikes is a bicycle company that was created with this mission: to provide high-quality bicycles and educational training to underprivileged and service-based Zambians. After working out a deal with a California-based bicycle maker who developed a bamboo bicycle frame, the company is now starting to grow and make bamboo bicycle frames in Africa and export them to the U.S. As the BBC reports, the lack of training, raw materials, capital and tools in Zambia have made such an endeavor almost unheard of in the past, but thanks to the strength and renewability of bamboo grown right in the country (as well as the efforts of both Zambians and Americans working together to create workshops in Africa), Zambikes’ bamboo endeavors are taking off.
Bamboo, as it turns out, is a great material for bike frames. It has shock absorbing properties and is tough and durable. Interest in the bamboo bikes is already high in the U.S., so the company is poised to start seeing some financial benefit. But that’s not the only return that Zambikes provides; the company also helps Africans directly in the form of business coaching and discretionary loans. The company doesn’t even charge interest on the loans; rather, it simply asks the borrowers to show that what they do with the money will somehow benefit the community.
So look for eco-friendly Zambikes on the road and in bike shops soon… You can even get one yourself! A Zambike bamboo bicycle costs roughly $900 for a finished bike. And best of all, owning one means helping developing economies and the environment.
If you want to help the environment in other ways, sign up for the onemilliontrees movement, sponsored by the Privacy Council. You can save a tree every year by cutting your junk mail!

Zambikes is a bicycle company that was created with this mission: to provide high-quality bicycles and educational training to underprivileged and service-based Zambians. After working out a deal with a California-based bicycle maker who developed a bamboo bicycle frame, the company is now starting to grow and make bamboo bicycle frames in Africa and export them to the U.S. As the BBC reports, the lack of training, raw materials, capital and tools in Zambia have made such an endeavor almost unheard of in the past, but thanks to the strength and renewability of bamboo grown right in the country (as well as the efforts of both Zambians and Americans working together to create workshops in Africa), Zambikes’ bamboo endeavors are taking off.
Bamboo, as it turns out, is a great material for bike frames. It has shock absorbing properties and is tough and durable. Interest in the bamboo bikes is already high in the U.S., so the company is poised to start seeing some financial benefit. But that’s not the only return that Zambikes provides; the company also helps Africans directly in the form of business coaching and discretionary loans. The company doesn’t even charge interest on the loans; rather, it simply asks the borrowers to show that what they do with the money will somehow benefit the community.
So look for eco-friendly Zambikes on the road and in bike shops soon… You can even get one yourself! A Zambike bamboo bicycle costs roughly $900 for a finished bike. And best of all, owning one means helping developing economies and the environment.
If you want to help the environment in other ways, sign up for the onemilliontrees movement, sponsored by the Privacy Council. You can save a tree every year by cutting your junk mail!
Today is National Underwear Day. It was started several years ago, and since its inception, it’s gone from a NYC-based fashion show and freebie giveaway to a national event and online sensation. So what does underwear have to do with saving trees?
The answer: underwear gives us another chance to be eco-friendly. Bamboo, which we wrote about in a previous article, can be used to make fabric, which is then used to make, among other things, underwear. And to hear some tell it, the underwear made from bamboo is superior to the usual kind. It dries quickly, lets your skin breathe, and feels as comfortable (or more so) than other fabrics.
Worried about style? Don’t be. Bamboo fabric is so versatile and is becoming so widely accepted that you can find cute, sexy styles in bamboo underwear, making your earth-friendly shopping as stylish as usual.
Bamboo is such a great, sustainable resource with such a low impact on the environment that we really should try to use it whenever we can as as substitute for wood and other materials. Embracing bamboo underwear is just one step on that path, and for National Underwear Day, there are few better ways to celebrate!
You can also help preserve trees by signing up for the onemilliontrees movement, sponsored by Privacy Council. Save at least a tree a year by cutting down your junk mail. You’ll do yourself and the environment a favor!

The answer: underwear gives us another chance to be eco-friendly. Bamboo, which we wrote about in a previous article, can be used to make fabric, which is then used to make, among other things, underwear. And to hear some tell it, the underwear made from bamboo is superior to the usual kind. It dries quickly, lets your skin breathe, and feels as comfortable (or more so) than other fabrics.

Bamboo is such a great, sustainable resource with such a low impact on the environment that we really should try to use it whenever we can as as substitute for wood and other materials. Embracing bamboo underwear is just one step on that path, and for National Underwear Day, there are few better ways to celebrate!
You can also help preserve trees by signing up for the onemilliontrees movement, sponsored by Privacy Council. Save at least a tree a year by cutting down your junk mail. You’ll do yourself and the environment a favor!
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