Top 10 Ways to Fight the February Blues

1. Curl up with a seed catalogue and dream about all the produce you'll be growing when the warmer weather comes
2. Dig the allotment over. The weak winter sunlight, fresh air, exercise and feeling of accomplishment will improve your mood
3. Plan for the coming year, whether it's where you're going to plant your pea and bean break, or where you want to go on summer holiday. Planning is an act of faith in the future, and gives you something to look forward to
4. Eat preserved summer produce from last year. Cherry jam and frozen peas are as good as Prozac
5. Eat comforting winter food. I've been enjoying duck soup and pheasant casserole, mashed root vegetables and about a hundred different ways of serving cabbage, sponge puddings and home made custard and hot bread straight out of the oven
6. Wrap up warm and go for long walks. Like tip 2, the sunlight and exercise boost your serotonin levels, but I mainly like doing this for the nice feeling of getting back indoors afterwards and warming up again!
7. Turn off the TV, radio or Internet, curl up by the fire and listen to the weather howling and pouring outside and just enjoy the fact you're not out in it
8. Make something. I like making quilts or knitted blankets this time of year
9. Relax, sleep, unwind. Take advantage of the fact that the days are short and there's not so much to do at this time of year (in the garden at any rate). There'll be plenty to do in the summer, and if you're like me you'll feel guilty about being indoors and idle when there's still hours of daylight. This is the natural time to slow down the pace and recharge your batteries. Enjoy it
10. What can we do during the long dark winter nights to pass the time, get warm, and feel good? Hmm, I just can't think....
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