Making Dolls House Accessories

When we girls grew out of our doll houses they were passed on to some other children, as our family has always done. Presumably they then passed to other children again, because eventually we lost track of them altogether. I'd like to think they're still treasured possessions of somebody somewhere. By the time my daughter, Eleanor, was old enough to enjoy a doll's house of her own, though, my dad's eyes were no longer as sharp nor his hands as steady as they once were, and he couldn't build her one, although I know he'd love to.
So instead he bought her a doll house, and a very fine one indeed. We we

I found my imagination gripped by all the tiny furniture and accessories. I could immediately see that it is possible to create unique items for your doll's house, and this could be a lot of fun as well as a way of saving money (you should see the prices they ask!) and of recycling. I vetoed an early attempt to buy bedclothes because I knew could make them very easily from fabric I already had, and as soon as we got home, I did. Back at home I also found a tiny plastic box which had housed a mobile phone SIM card, which I turned into a laptop computer with a couple of black and silver marker pens. The pens also came in handy when I made a set of kitchen pans and baking tins from the plastic bubble strips you press tablets out of. Fortunately, grandad is on an impressive range of prescription medication, which provided a wide selection of shapes and sizes of kitchen equipment!

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